Matteo Mattei

Hello, my name is Matteo Mattei and this is my personal website. I am computer engineer with a long experience in Linux system administration and web software development.

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October 25, 2014 - Raul was born

Raul Mattei

Oggi Sabato 25 Ottobre 2014 alle ore 4.35 è nato nostro figlio Raul di Kg 2.850. Il parto è stato molto lungo e doloroso. Il piccolo purtroppo ha sofferto durante la nascita e adesso si trova in terapia intensiva ma sta pian piano migliorando: è un leone! Siamo contentissimi di condividere questa immensa gioia con tutti voi.

Matteo & Giada

Today, Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 4:35 am was born our son Raul of Kg 2.850. The childbirth was very long and painful. Unfortunately the little child suffered during the born and now he has been placed in a incubator but he is slowly improving: he is a lion! We are glad to share this huge delight with all of you.

Matteo & Giada

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